I Made it into Click Pro!

What is Click Pro?

Click Pro Photographers is an association of trendsetting women photographers actively pursuing excellence. To apply, I needed to submit a portfolio of 150 images that needed to pass muster on seven different aspects of photography. This post contains images from my final set.

Guidelines for Stronger Photography

Consequently, working to include the Click Pro’s guidelines pushed me to grow as an artist. I wouldn’t say the process of applying would work for every creative, but for me, I wanted to see if I could do it. And now as I shoot, I keep in mind things like composition, light, color, focus, intention. For that, I am grateful for the challenging process. And it is my intention to pass what I’ve learned on to my client’s work.

Fan Girl Moments

So, I’m super chill about getting into this association. NOT! When I found out I lost it. I found a weeks ago and I’m still so geeked because it’s been a goal of mine for a long time. I can’t believe I’m in a group with my creative heroes. They are leaders in this field by teaching and mentoring others—something I could potentially do in the future. I’m still trying to get over being completely intimidated by all of this.

Interested in Improving Your Photography?

Click Pro Photographers is an offshoot of Clickin’ Moms a forum of woman photographers helping each other learn how to be better photographers. It’s a supportive online space for just wanting to take better personal photos or learning how to be a professional photographer. In fact, I’ve watched women go from barely knowing their camera to become fantastic photographers. It’s genuinely a supporting, inspiring community of women.

I’m posting this because I want potential clients to trust me as an artist. But I’m also posting this to encourage other moms out there to consider joining Clickin’ Moms if you are simply interested in taking better photos. You never know where it will take you.


The Persevering Class of 2021


Big Family Fun