Simple Confidence

I’ve taken her photos since she was a girl and, as far as I can tell, she’s always possessed confidence. Can’t you see it in the pictures? With her kind of poise, success is sure to follow no matter what path she chooses in the future.

I like that she planned outfits and items to include in her photos. Items can tell a story in a photograph. The bouquet, truck, and cowboy boots serve as a visual time capsule. Senior photos are a way to look back and remember what these items mean or even the style of this milestone year.

I think she might have borrowed her older brother’s cap and sash. I just learned that you can contact the school and see if they have these items on hand to borrow. Since senior year is such a busy time, it’s best to borrow grad gear early rather than hold off on photos until those items come in.

Right before this high school senior shoot, I was able to capture her with her wonderful family in a memorable family mini shoot.


Rain, Rain, Went Away

