My Favorite Place for a Photoshoot?

If you have clicked around my website you might know the answer – it’s Greene Valley Forest Preserve. But why would I push this location over others in the area? I’m not against other sites at all. I’m just very familiar with Greene Valley so no matter if it’s sunny or cloudy I know just the spot.

By the way, the above image is in a location perfect for cloudy days. The light is evenly lighting her, and the colors are soft yet colorful. The above photo was taken in early fall of last year. The leaves still hadn’t changed. I have a few more from this location. Let me take you on a little tour…

The photos above were taken at the same spot as the first photo just a week apart. For the picture on the left, some fall colors were still in the trees. By the next week, those burgundy leaves had fallen. No matter, the family on the right lights up their photo with their bright smiles.

The forest preserve also has a bridge which is great for framing a family between the two rails. We typically see this bridge if we all decide to go on a walk.

I captured all of the above photos in the same area on sunny days. I shot the upper left photo in the spring. And some white and purple flowers decided to bloom for us. The rest of the images were early last fall, most likely in mid to late September. I like this spot because even though the sun is beaming down the trees provide not only shade but dappled light for a sparkled backdrop.

I adore fields. And this one is so pretty, especially in the sunlight. However, I never know what the groundskeepers are going to do with it year to year. Sometimes they let the grasses grow out, and it’s just lovely. And sometimes they mow it all down. And that is why I like my other options at this forest preserve.

Another family favorite is the path. No matter if it’s sunny or cloudy, this white gravel path always works, as well as the big red barn. If you need a pop of color, the barn has it!

And this concludes our tour. I hope you have enjoyed our time together. If you’d like to book at this location, please give me a shout. I know just the right spot.


Behind the Scenes Family Session


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